M Pacer 📨
I am a core contributor to the Jupyter Project.
I am a Senior Notebook Engineer at Netflix.
In 2016, I graduated from UC Berkeley as a member of Tania Lombrozo's Cognition and Concepts Laboratory and Tom Griffith's Computational Cognitive Science Laboratory.
I am a computational cognitive scientist — I make maths on minds.
Below is my research programme from my PhD, last updated long ago.
12:00:00 AM
Programme(in progress):
Updated: 2016_06_5_0333
- time
- temporal causation
- ordering and approximate ordinality
- mixed-class stochastic processes
- continuous-time & discrete-time systems interacting
- causal measure
- extending Noisy-OR/AND-NOT
- as analogs of generation and prevention
- to both continuous measures and continuous-time
- (possibly) as exemplified by causal information flow
- calculus of ideas
- generalization of causal information flow to continuous-time stochastic processes, over continuous dimensions and discrete/structured representations.
- measure chains have analysis, and may be an appropriate tool.
- generalization of causal information flow to continuous-time stochastic processes, over continuous dimensions and discrete/structured representations.
- continuous theories
- generalization gradients
- similarity spaces
- compositionality
- commeasurability of data despite embedding in different spaces
Causal Explanation
- explanatory virtues
- simplicity
- reaism
- notions of probability
- formal models
- explanation as antibody
- explanation as orgasm (from Gopnik's Explanation as Orgasm and the drive for causal understanding)
- causal explantory trees & causal information flow
- Generalized Bayes Factor
- science of the particular
Evolution of Ideas (& other arbitrary things)
- formal models of cultural learning
- conductive bias
- the role of notational systems in the biases transmitted over time
- iterative learning
- serial reproduction
- science of the artificial
- small samples & neutral bias currents
- see also, [continuity][]
- history of
- mathematical/logical notation
- writing systems
- formal logic [Pierce — Gödel]
- science
- philosophy of science
- medicine
- epidemiology
- nosology
- anatomy as a categorization problem
- notions of continuity
- notions of contagion
- notions of mechanism
- publishing/typesetting
- statistics
- mathematics
- biology & philosophy of biology
- taxonomy as categorization problem
- phenetics/cladistics
- units & levels of selection
- design
- experimental
- architecture
- typographic (& other graphic design)
- design
- experimental
- architecture
- typographic (& other graphic design)
- letter-spacing
- serifs
- communication-design (written and otherwise)
Formal frameworks
- Levels of Analysis
- rational analysis
- extending Marr's levels
- Hierarchical Bayesian networks
- causal Bayesian networks
- continuous-time Bayesian networks
- Poisson cascades
- Markov Modulated poisson process
- theory-based causal induction
- Probabilistic, compositional semantics (a newer interest)
- e.g., the Church language
- caching/memoizing
- Topic models & other
- dynamic topic models
- discrete time
- continuous time
- extensions that allow only a finite sub-dictionary to be attached to a topic
- tags
- unsupervised strict taxonomization
- dictionary learning
- sense disambiguation & polysemy
- Non parametric Bayseian Inference
- Chinese restaurant process (mutually exclusive categories)
- Indian Buffet process (additive featural representations)
- Transformations over non-parametric processes
- Inferential methods
- Variational Inference
- Stochastic variational inference
- optimization theory as applies to VI
- Monte Carlo (sampling) methods
- Markov Chain Monte Carlo
- Hamiltonian/inertial Monte Carlo
- Overregularization
- Distinctions between interpolation and extrapolation
Topics I'm interested in but know little about
- Decision theory
- Partially Observed Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs)
- Contextual Bandits
- Search in large, structured spaces
- explore/exploit tradeoffs
- evolutionary arguments for extended childhood
- Formally defining the relationship between Inference and Decision Theory
- Failure analysis
- Intrusion Detection Systems
- Automated Medical Diagnosis
- Automated Case-file Reference Retrieval
- Automated Police Scheduling/Anti-terrorism
- Earthquake Prediction
- Sensory extension
- Archaeology and other "historical sciences"
activities that are not work, but of potential interest
- typography
- drawing
- painting
- photography
- home automation
- quantified-self
- recording audio
- not releasing audio for an obscenely long time
- hearthstone and other "games of the moment"
- realizing the idea of things, without realizing any thing